$10.00 kids 3-12
$10 kids 3-12
Payments should me made online if possible.
Our mailing address is Middlefork Tennis Club, P.O. Box 8055, Northfield, IL 60093 if you simply must send a check.
Regular Membership. A family residing within a radius of ten miles of the Club shall be eligible for Regular Membership.
Non-Resident Membership. A Regular Member who moves to a place of residence beyond a radius of ten miles of the Club shall be eligible for Non-Resident Membership.
Senior Membership. Eligible members must apply before April 1st to the Board by letter, stating their eligibility and their agreement to all the conditions that define this category; the Board, in their sole discretion, shall judge individual applications and their determination shall be conclusive.
A maximum of five Senior Active Memberships will be granted each year; if applications outnumber available openings, applications will be considered in the following order of priority:
Senior lnactive Membership. A Senior Inactive Membership is available to members who will not use the Club facilities on a regular basis. The member will pay current guest fees for use of the pool and tennis courts. A Senior Active Member may apply for Senior Inactive membership if the member has been a Senior Active Member for a minimum of five years.
Honorary Membership. A Regular Member who moves to a place of residence beyond a radius of 50 miles of the Club is eligible for Honorary Membership. A person may also be elected to Honorary Membership for special service to the Club by a vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors.