1/17/23 News
There are 129 days until the kick-off to the 2023 season, and for that reason I wanted to send an email to update you on Board changes as well as upcoming tennis programming for 2023.

MTC Board of Directors Changes

We have six new Board positions for this year. The new positions are highlighted with * below:

- President: Dan Hannis*
- Secretary: Grant Hendricks*
- Treasurer: Murray Krugman
- Kids' Programming: Hillary Bufalino
- Thursday Night Suppers: Mekhala Middleton
- Social: Emily Lemire
- Lifeguard Staff: Lindsay Jenkins* / Aimeé Reynolds*
- Grounds: Brandon Filoramo*
- Tennis: Ricky Barnett*
- Pool: Ray Scheppach
- Cardio Tennis: Tim Castellini
- Past President / Communications: Steph Stefanik*

Big thank you to Steph Stefanik (President) and Chrissy Geraghty (Secretary) for their successful tenures. Please reach out to me or any board members if you have ideas or questions about a particular area of a Board member's responsibility.

Board meetings will begin in early February and run regularly until the scheduled opening of the club on Memorial Day weekend, May 26th this year.

Men's / Women's / Kids Tennis Leagues and Programming

We are fielding interest for Men's and Women's summer tennis leagues! For information on the men's summer tennis league, please email Mark Gantner at mtgantner@gmail.com. MTC has historically fielded two women's teams but we are looking to add a third team this summer. If you are interested in Women's tennis please email Lindy Blake (lindyb54@gmail.com), Mallory Ruh (malloryruh@gmail.com) or Karie Smith (kareismith22@gmail.com) by January 27th for more details.

Registration for Kids Swim and Tennis programming will go live on Monday, February 27th. Information on class times and offerings will be posted on the website in the upcoming weeks. Questions: Please reach out to Hillary Bufalino at hillarybufalino@gmail.com.

Stay tuned for new member announcements in the next few days!