Cardio Tennis Offerings
Advance registration required. Go to court reservation to purchase a class time that works for you.
Sunday Beginner Cardio 9:30am-10:30am
Please email Tim Castellino at tim.e.castellini@gmail.com if you would like to be added to Co-Ed Cardio information email.
Women’s Tennis Leagues – North Shore League, Lake Shore League
Competitive matches are played at 10am on Mondays and Fridays each week during late spring and summer.
Team members participate in a team drill one time per week. Prospective players should contact Lindy Blake, Karie Smith, or Mallory Ruh at lindyb54@gmail.com and kariesmith22@gmail.com and malloryruh@gmail.com respectively
Men’s Tennis League
The men’s tennis league plays on Wednesday evenings from 6pm – 8pm. Should you be interested in joining, please reach out to Mark Gantner at mtgantner@gmail.com